Publikationsverzeichnis Dr. Ulrich Drott
- Anti-tissue factor (TF9-10H10) treatment reduces tumor cell invasiveness in a novel migratory glioma model.
Harter PN, Dützmann S, Drott U, Zachskorn C, Hattingen E, Capper D, Gessler F, Senft C, Seifert V, Plate KH, Kögel D, Mittelbronn M.
Neuropathology. 2013 Oct;33(5):515-25. doi: 10.1111/neup.12018. Epub 2013 Feb 5. PMID: 23384223
- ATP synthase deficiency due to TMEM70 mutation leads to ultrastructural mitochondrial degeneration and is amenable to treatment.
Braczynski AK, Vlaho S, Müller K, Wittig I, Blank AE, Tews DS, Drott U, Kleinle S, Abicht A, Horvath R, Plate KH, Stenzel W, Goebel HH, Schulze A, Harter PN, Kieslich M, Mittelbronn M.
Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015:462592. doi: 10.1155/2015/462592. Epub 2015 Oct 13.
- [Relapsing polychondritis : A rare differential diagnosis in clinical practice].
Drott U, Huberman A.
Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2015; 74: 329-339. DOI:10.1007/s00393-014-1499-4
- C5b-9 deposits on endomysial capillaries in non-dermatomyositis cases.
Braczynski AK, Harter PN, Zeiner PS, Drott U, Tews DS, Preusse C, Penski C, Dunst M, Weis J,
Stenzel W, Mittelbronn M.
Neuromuscul Disord. 2016 Apr-May;26(4-5):283-91. doi: 10.1016/j.nmd.2016.02.014. Epub 2016 Mar 3
- Diagnostic and clinical relevance of the autophago-lysosomal network in human gliomas.
Jennewein L, Ronellenfitsch MW, Antonietti P, Ilina EI, Jung J, Stadel D, Flohr LM, Zinke J, von Renesse J, Drott U, Baumgarten P, Braczynski AK, Penski C, Burger MC, Theurillat JP, Steinbach JP, Plate KH, Dikic I, Fulda S, Brandts C, Kögel D, Behrends C, Harter PN, Mittelbronn M.
Oncotarget. 2016 Apr 12;7(15):20016-32. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.7910.
- High-sensitive troponin is associated with subclinical imaging biosignature of inflammatory cardiovascular involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Winau L, Hinojar Baydes R, Braner A, Drott U, Burkhardt H, Sangle S, D'Cruz DP, Carr-White G, Marber M, Schnoes K, Arendt C, Klingel K, Vogl TJ, Zeiher AM, Nagel E, Puntmann VO.
Ann Rheum Dis. 2018 Aug 4. pii: annrheumdis-2018-213661. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2018-213661.
- Nailfold Capillaroscopy Characteristics of Antisynthetase Syndrome and Possible Clinical Associations: Results of a Multicenter International Study.
Sebastiani M, Triantafyllias K, Manfredi A, González-Gay MA, Palmou-Fontana N, Cassone G, Drott U, Delbrück C, Rojas-Serrano J, Bertolazzi C, Nuño L, Giannini M, Iannone F, Vicente EF, Castañeda S, Selva-O'Callaghan A, Trallero Araguas E, Emmi G, Iuliano A, Bauhammer J, Miehle N, Parisi S, Cavagna L, Codullo V, Montecucco C, Lopez-Longo FJ, Martínez-Barrio J, Nieto-González JC, Vichi S, Confalonieri M, Tomietto P, Bergner R, Sulli A, Bonella F, Furini F, Scirè CA, Bortoluzzi A, Specker C, Barsotti S, Neri R, Mosca M, Caproni M, Weinmann-Menke J, Schwarting A, Smith V, Cutolo M; American and European Network of Antisynthetase Syndrome Collaborative Group.
J Rheumatol. 2019 Mar;46(3):279-284. doi: 10.3899/jrheum.180355. Epub 2018 Nov 15.PMID: 30442823
- Influence of Antisynthetase Antibodies Specificities on Antisynthetase Syndrome Clinical Spectrum Time Course.
Cavagna L, Trallero-Araguás E, Meloni F, Cavazzana I, Rojas-Serrano J, Feist E, Zanframundo G, Morandi V, Meyer A, Pereira da Silva JA, Matos Costa CJ, Molberg O, Andersson H, Codullo V, Mosca M, Barsotti S, Neri R, Scirè C, Govoni M, Furini F, Lopez-Longo FJ, Martinez-Barrio J, Schneider U, Lorenz HM, Doria A, Ghirardello A, Ortego-Centeno N, Confalonieri M, Tomietto P, Pipitone N, Rodriguez Cambron AB, Blázquez Cañamero MÁ, Voll RE, Wendel S, Scarpato S, Maurier F, Limonta M, Colombelli P, Giannini M, Geny B, Arrigoni E, Bravi E, Migliorini P, Mathieu A, Piga M, Drott U, Delbrueck C, Bauhammer J, Cagnotto G, Vancheri C, Sambataro G, De Langhe E, Sainaghi PP, Monti C, Gigli Berzolari F, Romano M, Bonella F, Specker C, Schwarting A, Villa Blanco I, Selmi C, Ceribelli A, Nuno L, Mera-Varela A, Perez Gomez N, Fusaro E, Parisi S, Sinigaglia L, Del Papa N, Benucci M, Cimmino MA, Riccieri V, Conti F, Sebastiani GD, Iuliano A, Emmi G, Cammelli D, Sebastiani M, Manfredi A, Bachiller-Corral J, Sifuentes Giraldo WA, Paolazzi G, Saketkoo LA, Giorgi R, Salaffi F, Cifrian J, Caporali R, Locatelli F, Marchioni E, Pesci A, Dei G, Pozzi MR, Claudia L, Distler J, Knitza J, Schett G, Iannone F, Fornaro M, Franceschini F, Quartuccio L, Gerli R, Bartoloni E, Bellando Randone S, Zampogna G, Gonzalez Perez MI, Mejia M, Vicente E, Triantafyllias K, Lopez-Mejias R, Matucci-Cerinic M, Selva-O'Callaghan A, Castañeda S, Montecucco C, Gonzalez-Gay MA.
J Clin Med. 2019 Nov 18;8(11). pii: E2013. doi: 10.3390/jcm8112013.PMID: 31752231
- Possible misclassification of cardiovascular risk by SCORE in antisynthetase syndrome: results of the pilot multicenter study RI.CAR.D.A
Konstantinos Triantafyllias, Lorenzo Cavagna, Anna Klonowski, Ulrich Drott, Christoph Fiehn, Sarah Wendel, Raoul Bergner , Michele de Blasi, Reinhard E Voll, Johannes Baulmann , Stavros Konstantinides, Peter R Galle, Andreas Schwarting
Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Sep 17;keaa525. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/keaa525.
- Januskinase-Inhibition – ein neues Therapieprinzip bei Autoimmunerkrankungen
Hrsg. Prof. U. Müller-Ladner, Mitarbeit bei der ersten und zweiten Auflage des Buches zu dem Kapitel ‚Intrazelluläre Signalwege in der Pathogenese der rheumatoiden Arthritis‘, UNI-MED Science 2021